Wednesday, January 31, 2018

"In life as in football, you wont go far, unless you know where the goalposts are." - Arnold H. Glasgow

Image result for arnold h glasowIn life you will need to set goals, but you need to know whats the meaning of what your goals will be. Like football you need to know where your throwing the ball lets pretend the ball is your goal you will need to aim where the goals at. YOu wont go far in life unless you really know where your throwing your goals at. 
Optometry technology 

Duties and responsibilities: They make sure you get tested good, they measure that you get the proper help you need.

salary: $22,260

education: they need to know all the courses of science and how to measure and see things.

demand or needed: You need a master degree and to be train.

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Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Operating Room Technician

Duties and Responsibilities: A Operating room technician is a person who makes surgeries and tries his or her best for it could come out good. 

Salary: $41,419-$49,592, 

Education: Needs a PH.D degree to become an ( OR ) technician, also needs to be mentally train. 

Demand or needed: They require to have a BLS in medical, to complete medical program training. 

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Reflection: To become a (or) technician you will have to go through mentally train education. You also need a PH.D degree to become one. 

Student Success Statement 
"When you tell one lie, it leads to Another" - Paul Hatch

When you tell a lie your always going to make up another to cover up the first lie you gave. Its a pattern that just goes on because you may think that lies are the only ones that are going to back us up but its never like that.You end up getting caught and that's even worst. I've lied just once and that lie got me in so much trouble that I got my phone taken away for almost a year. Ever since that day, i learn my lesson to never lie again because one lie can turn into 1,000,000 ... lies. 

People aren't working out 

A Current health event that took place is that many people aren't working out, and they are gaining a lot of weight and that's making them die faster. They seem to see as if their not gaining weight but in reality they are and their gaining a lot to the point where a lot of them die from a heart attack and many other things. Lindsay Knake says that "when she was in high everyone was in shape" and now that shes 29 yrs old she says that "untied states have became every ones big nightmare because of how many oil and grease they put in foods people eat". I really don't things there`s something that people are doing to stop it. 

Friday, January 19, 2018

Student Success Statement 
"Even If everyone is doing it, WRONG IS NEVER RIGHT" -Russell M. Nelson

Image result for Russell M. NelsonI agree with Russell because doing something wrong will never be right and that's a fact. How many times did i do wrong things and i hope for they to become right but it never happen. This is my advice from me to you, before you do something that's not right think and realize is its going to hurt you because if it is then whatever wrong you did that will never become right.Doing things that aren't right is not going to take you anywhere because you will never ever be successful i life unless you really put effort to it.
High School Principle 

Duties and Responsibilities: be half of the job you have, and the other half be a student as your own. 

Salary: $90,410 

Education: to be a high school principle you will need a master`s degree. 

Need for this profession:  Need a PhD on teaching students in education. 

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Friday, January 12, 2018

"Enthusiasm makes the difference." - Dr. Norman Vincent Peale 

Enthusiasm does make the difference because without any fun its always boring and tiger is the one that makes it fun. Why? because he has a lot of enthusiasm. People that are boring/lame really don't have any fun in them, having enthusiasm is like having a life to live towards for because its super fun. I'm super enthusiasm unlike my sister she is boring she`s always on her phone she barely talk`s. When people have a lot of enthusiasm they have a lot to live for.  

Image result for norman vincent peale
Occupational Therapist 

Duties and responsibilities: They treat people that have disabilities or that are ill from something. They help these patients develop from being ill, they help them recover from any injured they have.

Salary: $80,150

Education: Must have a master`s degree in order to become a "Occupational Therapist".

Demand or needed: They need 40 hours of experiments of being a occupational therapist.

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Reflection: A Occupational therapist is someone that helps others with things they need help on, example, like maybe people that cant walk they help those people recover from that.

Wednesday, January 10, 2018

I am a student at HPIAM High school.
Student Success Statement 
"I wasn't trying to leave a legacy. I was trying to do what was right." - Dean Smith 
Image result for dean smithThis quote means that dean is trying to make us realize that not just because you won something or you have somethings others cant value it doesn't mean you have to show it of. In others words try to value the things you have while it last be someone that everyone values. For example, dean was a basketball coach he was wasn't forcing no one to win he valued them he saw them as his own kids so he told them to believe in themselves that's all that matters in life is valuing yourself.  He didn't leave a legacy he left a lesson.

Nurse Home Administer  

Duties and responsibilities: they take care of clinic`s, they provide you with medical supplies and everything else you may need for your visit. 

Salary: $97,219- $121,661

Education: They need a bachelors degree to become a nurse home administer. 

Demand or needed: They need to help in public (public help) to master in this profession. 

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Image result for needed to become a nurse home administrator
Reflection: A home nurse is someone that helps out the older ones in need. they provide with medical things they may need, they at least need a masters degree to become one. 

Monday, January 8, 2018

Karma will take care of itself-Dr. Randy Pausch 
"Its not about how to achieve your dreams. Its about how to lead your life. If you lead your life the RIGHT WAY, the karma will take care of itself. The dreams will come to you" 

Image result for Dr. Randy PauschLeading you life to where its good could make a big impact in you because leading yourself to whats good karma will know not to mess with you anymore. Choosing the right and leading the right way can change your whole life because like that you wont have to worry about people and if karma's going to get you because of the bad things your doing. Dreams will come to you, you wont even have to try to achieve your dreams because as long as you're leading your life to good everything else comes above

Image result for insidious the last keyDuring the brake i helped my mom do tamales for Christmas. I went to Pomona to spent the days over there. i met my cousins husband he`s pretty chill. i watched the new movie that just came out this Friday, is really scary. i played basketball with my cousin. A CTR experiences i did was help out a girl with money because one of her family members passed away. I didn't read no books. i didn't have any homework. i went shopping with my sister. Image result for new year